Good Morning Dolls,
It's been awhile since I've blogged, let alone actaully written anything.
I've had a crazy couple weeks with having family out visiting, exams, and planning a trip of a life time....
When people say don't let your dreams be dreams I was always think well its easier said then done...
But the other day I just got fed up, I was feeling bummed out and just stuck feeling like I'm doing absolutely nothing with my life (like ever 20 year old out there).
So I decided to do something to cheer myself up. I have dreamt about going to New York my entire life, and have continuously looked at trips, very well knowing that I could not afford it.
While scrolling through the countless pages of vacation "deals" I thought to myself, what the hell, I'm 21 years old, barely any bills to pay, why not just bite the bullet and go!
So I did, I called up my mom because this has been a dream of hers of years as well, and thought, since I'm planning on going away for law school soon for four years, this could be a great opportunity to just get away the two of us for a week.
I'm beyond excited!!
I'm just going to end off by saying, you really are never to old or to young to make your dreams come true. Sometimes it just takes bitting the bullet and realizing that sometimes you just need to do things for yourself, because hey, if you can't make yourself happy then no one else will ever know how.
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